Posted by : Unknown Oct 25, 2014

Sword Art Online Lost Song

Following the success of the game Sword Art Online Hollow Fragment translated into English, it appears that Namco Bandai is no doubt to translate the game series Sword Art Online. Although still in the manufacturing stage, the game Sword Art Online Lost Song for the PS3 and PS Vita has been confirmed also be released in English. 

Sword Art Online Lost Song

At the press conference pre-event of GameStart 2014, the producer of the game Sword Art Online Lost Song, Yosuke Futami has announced that as Holloe Fragment Sword Art Online, Sword Art Online game Lost Song will also be released in English for the Asian region (region 3) , and will be released in 2015.

Unlike the two previous games, Sword Art Online Lost Song takes place Afleheim Online games, in which players can fight on the ground or while flying in the air.

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